footballers diet plan

Like most athletes, the players must follow a strict diet to ensure they are in excellent physical peak
Like most young people now take part in competitive sport and exercise, nutrition
we eat ", it becomes a factor more important. By developing a healthy diet
habits at an early age can help budding sports stars maintain and improve athletic
performance throughout his life.
If we do not put the right fuel, or indeed any fuel in a car what will happen? enough
the car will not work correctly. This is also the case with our body. If we do not do
put the proper fuel or food in our body, our body will not be able to work
potential. By eating a healthy balanced diet, this will keep us stay fit and
robust and optimal health.
The more exercise than we are involved in half of the body must produce more power.
Energy can be produced by a well-balanced diet. A balanced diet means eating .

a selection of foods from the main food 

Breakfast - Breakfast is perhaps the most important meal of the day because, while
Store the sleep your body's energy is used by the brain for breakfast helps fill this
store. If you skip "breakfast will be lethargic all morning and you
easily lose concentration.
- Lunch is important to supplement your energy throughout the day. yes i do
have trained or played a game that will help replace the energy you
Snacks Snacks - are an important part of the diet and you should try to eat
healthy snacks throughout the day so that your energy levels remain high. this is
However important they are healthy snacks like fruit, pasta, etc. Try to stay
away snacks are readily available, like chocolate and chips.
Food Party / Exercise - - Pre This meal should be eaten 3-4 hours before exercise
or parts. This will ensure that the energy levels in the muscles remain high,
what is important, especially towards the end of games when the body begins to

Players need more energy to get an additional benefit, which is mostly carbohydrates. 
• Carbohydrates 
In a healthy diet, 55 to 60% of it should be made of carbohydrates, but for the players, which is even higher - up to 70%! Carbohydrates are found in foods every day - but it's important to eat the right. So what is it? Are they good or bad carbs? The short answer is that they are both. Fortunately, it is easy to separate the good from the bad. 
 Examples: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, whole wheat pasta, whole wheat bread, brown rice and beans 
We can reduce the health risks of bad carbs by eating fewer refined carbohydrates and processed beneficial eliminate carbon fiber. Examples: white bread and white rice. 
Of course, players need other nutrients too much and not easy to get the perfect carbohydrate intake eat three regular meals a day. 
The way to do this is to snack - snacks play a crucial role in a player's diet. 
Snack Attack! These snacks are high in carbohydrates and low in fat 
Jam or honey sandwiches with brown bread 
Muslim bars 
Fruit cake, raisin bread, rolls 
Rolls, bagels 
Jelly Babies / Fruit Gems 
Jaffa Cakes 
Fruits and nuts 
• Protein 
Protein is essential for young athletes because it promotes muscle recovery between training sessions and matches. 
A high protein diet, however, is not necessary for young athletes to perform at their best. However, young athletes can meet their protein needs by eating protein-rich foods such as nuts, eggs, vegetables, lean meats, fish and low-fat dairy products throughout the day. 
• Vitamins and minerals 
Vitamins and minerals help "unlock" the energy found in the diet of a footballer. These help constantly growing and developing, but a common mistake is to use supplements instead of natural resources. 
Additional replacement should only be used in extreme cases of shortcomings, but in a glass of milk is not only the amount of calcium as calcium tablets! 
Make sure children eat green vegetables, fruits and meats, you will get lots of vitamins and minerals in the body. 
• Hydration 
Hydration is essential to maintain performance during the long training and matches. Players need many drinks breaks during sessions - which keeps the concentration and energy levels throughout the session. Little and often is the key! 
As for the preparation of the game, hydration begins the night before a game, which makes your body time to absorb the water and put it to use. During the game, the small regular portions allow water to maintain hydration levels. Consume large quantities can cause discomfort and bloating during a match. 
The water lost by the body during sweating should be replaced to stop tire quickly, and also to speed up the recovery process - that means feeling fitter and sharper after much earlier. 

 These controls help players: 
Weight: 1 kg lost during a weight training session is 1 liter of fluid lost. 
The "urine test": If your urine is dark, it means that you have to have a drink Many toilet, producing a large amount of light-colored urine, showing that he has taken in enough fluid.? . 
Thirst: Being thirsty is a reliable indicator of when you need a drink. If you are thirsty, you are actually already partially dehydrated if you complete a training session and panting is a gift that did not take enough fluids on board. 
The importance of having good, healthy and balanced diets in turn allow more physical, muscle growth, recovery, sound players and fitter and prolong the careers of our players! It looks like a lot to take, but it's actually quite simple.

how to lose weight by subway diet

subway diet

  What is the Subway diet?

Subway Diet is a weight loss plan that involves eating foods low in fat, low calorie sandwiches fast food chain Subway popular. This plan was created by Jared Fogle, who was then a student of obese 22-year college that weighs 425 pounds Fogle started eating two submarines low-fat creation metro every day as a way to lose weight and eventually lost £ 245 11 months. He continued to show your television commercials metro weight loss and became a motivational speaker against childhood obesity.

appleSubway diet Jarod

Breakfast: coffee

Lunch: Six-inch turkey sub with a small bag of potato baked Lay and Coca-Cola Light.

Dinner: foot-long veggie sub and a Diet Coke.

Their sandwiches include lots of fresh vegetables such as lettuce, green peppers, pickles and banana peppers but not eat cheese or mayonnaise. Instead, use a little mustard for flavor. He ate no snacks, and the weight started to leave, she felt more energetic and began walking to class. At the end of your journey of weight loss, he recorded for miles around half past one every day.

subway diet
Subway Diet Plan

Jarod Fogle still flies across the country as a spokesman for Subway. Has been maintained for years unwanted weight and still eat on the subway a few times a week. However, experts have adjusted their approach to weight loss include:

Breakfast: bowl of cereal, skim milk, black coffee

Lunch: Six-inch turkey sandwich on wheat bread, soda

Dinner: vegetarian sandwich, drinking water

Snacks: a piece of fruit between meals is allowed.

* No cheese, mayonnaise or other sauces are allowed on submarines consumed.

Low calories diet

Contrary to what you may believe, there is no magic ingredient for Subway sandwiches that caused weight loss specifically Fogle. However, a key factor in its success is due to its low in total calories and fat diet. Caloric intake is lower than that spent in general lead to weight loss in any given plan, avoiding weight plateau of health or loss. Fogle also increased their level of physical activity after losing 100 pounds by walking a mile a day and take the stairs instead of the elevator. It is recommended that dieters find an activity you enjoy helping successful weight loss.

Coumadin diet and green vegetables are the couple!

Vitamin K is found mainly in green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, asparagus, cucumber and green pepper. Also found in significant quantities in green tea leaf, mint, soybean oil and canola oil and some fruit. This vitamin plays an important role in blood clotting. In some people (myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, pulmonary embolism, phlebitis some cases, etc.), coagulation occurs too quickly and can lead to the formation of blood clots. This slows and may even completely stop the flow into a vein or artery (, A. et al., 2008). Then Coumadin anticoagulants sodium (Coumadin, Warfilonemd) warfarin. Works in reverse of vitamin K, ie, the clotting time slows partly lock function to prevent clots in the veins, arteries, lungs or heart (, A. et al. , 2008). Because this metabolic interaction by, Coumadin is sensitive to fluctuations in food vitamin K (Ferland, G. 2000). A wide variation in the daily intake of vitamin K may influence the effectiveness of Coumadin.

Upon treatment with Coumadin, residents of the offer must be satisfied, ie, consistent with dietary recommendations for vitamin K * Stable and an overnight (Booth, SL et al., 1997) .ventanillareception ballots according to several recent studies, it is more appropriate to limit the intake of vitamin K (green vegetables) ofanticoagulated patients, this strategy is now considered unnecessarily restrictive (Ferland, G. 2000).

Several studies agree that limiting consumption of foods rich in vitamin K can increase the effect of Coumadin (Lubetsky, A. et al., 1999;. Cushman, al, 2001). It is also important to know that vitamin K is essential for vascular health and may play a protective role

How should I take this medicine? 

Warfarin dose is tailored to the needs of each person by the physician based on the clotting time of blood as determined by laboratory tests sanctioned by INR (International Normalized Ratio). In the laboratory appointments are of vital importance as therapeutic safety margin is narrow between a normal dose, inadequate or excessive doses. Too much medicine can make you bleed more. Very little medication may contribute to the formation of a clot of adverse effects.

Different circumstances of daily life (eg. Eating certain foods or using certain medications) can affect the mode of action of the drug and hinder or stimulate its effectiveness. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for a list of these foods and medicines.

It is important to manage their proper lifestyle when taking warfarin

cottage cheese diet

It is no secret that the curd is basically `a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it is also very useful for weight loss. It contains large amounts of calcium, easily digestible and lactose proteins. These components are very beneficial effects on the skin, hair and nails, and bone health. And in general, for those who like Power Description -  in truth, the best friend! It normalizes the metabolism, range operation of the gastrointestinal tract, even calm the nervous system. It is universal in combination, such as fruits and vegetables, honey and spices. Based on it can be prepared and hot dishes, salads and sandwiches. In short, solid benefits and health benefits, beautiful figure and a minimum of cons-indications except the spirit that comes   lactose.

Cottage cheese diet for weight loss

invented by the plans for weight loss weight based on the cheese. You can start with cheese fasting days when daytime is authorized to use an unlimited number of cottage cheese, and drink only walking Water or green tea. If such a discharge planning to spend one day once a week, and other days not cram the night and it is desirable to   eating after 6-8 hours and s`en stick to a relatively healthy diet you will always be slim and fit. Again, if hunger still can not give you peace    before sleep, eat cottage cheese for dinner, for the best effect of weight loss, you can mix with honey, cinnamon, or prunes. Honey adds smoothness and speed up metabolism, cinnamon prunes   blunt hunger and bowel function, which does not allow you to earn those extra pounds.

There is another great dessert recipe for weight loss with cheese. It makes a nice variety in the diet menu and is very easy to prepare. You will need 200 grams of fat free cheese or low in calories, a tablespoon of low-fat sour cream, 3 tablespoons of natural white yogurt and a small amount of cinnamon to taste. All this mixer or whisk stir in up to a smooth circle. For her at will, you can add honey. It is being identified very soft, rich and tasty dessert  

For an effective fast weight loss diet based mono cottage cheese, it is also possible      yogurt and white natural yoghurt. As for drinks, say green tea without sugar and the water. Thus, for a week, you can easily throw 5 kg. But still, this diet It`s not the most healthy and important to take a vitamin supplement. It is also very important for her to do   taken at the end of the meal, and   diversity to your diet very gradually, not gain it back discharge weight.


 the diet recommends that natural, non-processed foods — such as eggs, tomatoes, cucumbers, apples, greens, and spices — are added to each meal with cottage cheese. Dieters can also have a small amount of whole grains to round out the nutritional content of the cottage cheese eating plan. It is advised that people on the diet avoid soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol — drinking only mineral water for the duration of the diet to aid in weight loss efficacy. All other processed foods should be eliminated in order to maximize the effectiveness of the cottage cheese diet.

Anorexic diet

Anorexic diet has a great effect if you can build an anorexic adequate food with the speed and adequate counseling frequently get nutritionists. But anorexic diet for a long time to avoid the destruction of their health. Just keep at an appropriate speed may increase the effect of this scheme significantly. The best way is to search and understand in depth on the advice of experts anorexic diet. 

 What you can eat in the anorexic diet? 

Five bites is very little food. Therefore participants promoters anorexic diet counselor to take bites of the healthiest foods possible. Healthy foods can be sources of protein such as meat and eggs, or fat options such as fish, nuts, yogurt and avocado. Other healthy options can include plant or vitamin fruit-flavored dishes. Some, however, prefer carbohydrate loading feel more energetic during the regime. 

Danger anorexic diet 
Despite being one of the strongest to help lose weight, ways anorexic diet also contains a danger as follows: 
Malnutrition: This symptom will happen to those who eat very little, which leads to many health problems, such as the kidneys, eyes, heart, brain, even their lives. 
Dehydration: Liquids, fats and carbohydrates are needed to maintain the movement of the body. The absence of these substances causes the body to reduce immunity, kidney function, heart and brain. 
Electrolyte imbalances: Electrolyte provides the body with "natural electricity", which ensures that the teeth, nerve impulses and muscle system, joints and bones ownership, kidneys and blood sugar in heart rate and capacity supplying oxygen to the cells can be maintained. 
Hyphenate (or "water load"): Sodium content in the blood (hyponatremia) can be reduced by drinking plenty of water. The problems with the lungs, brain, confusion can cause hyponatremia. 
Deficiencies in vitamins and minerals: List of electrolyte imbalances in the blood can be reduced by drinking plenty of water and increase the impossibilities to absorb vitamins and minerals. This is very damaging to many actions of the body hormone imbalance, so that the legs and bigger feet, reduced muscle mass or muscle characteristic; alter neuromuscular function; causing paralysis; damage the esophagus and stomach.

What are the rules of the Sacred Heart

The regime of the Sacred Heart diet is a soup, and says it will lose 10-17 pounds in the first week. 
The diet is mainly used by overweight and heart disease who want to lose weight quickly before surgery. 

diet sacred heart soup and vegetables low in calories, which will not only help you lose weight but also to cleanse the body of toxins and increase your energy level is based. Diet is also beneficial for people who suffer from diabetes or bowel.  


Implementation of the Sacred Heart Diet comes with certain risks, like any other diet program. It is used to strictly limit food diet per day for 7 days. This means that the vitamins and minerals the body needs to have a healthy lifestyle are also limited. The nutrients that the body needs to be stronger and healthier and may be limited. 

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should use caution in implementing the plan. The plan could help to significantly affect the baby due to the lack of vitamins and minerals. 

7 day meal plan 

Day 1 Any fruit, except bananas. Melons and watermelons are lower in calories than most other fruits. Eat only soup and fruit today. 
Day 2 All vegetables. Eat fresh vegetables, raw, cooked or canned until it is complete. Try to eat leafy green vegetables and stay away from dry beans, peas or corn. Do not forget the soup. A potato and butter in the oven for dinner. Do not eat fruit all day. 
Day 3 Eat all the soup, fruits and vegetables you want. Do not eat potatoes in the oven. If you have eaten as above for three days, you should be a few pounds lighter. 
Day 4 bananas and skim milk. Eat at least 3 bananas and drink as much milk as you want today, with the soup. Bananas are high in calories and carbohydrates, such as milk, but that day, your body will need potassium and carbohydrates. 
Day 5 Beef and tomatoes. You may have 10-20 ounces of beef and a can of tomatoes, or up to 6 tomatoes on this day. Do not forget to eat the soup at least once today, as it is an essential part of the diet of cabbage soup heart. 
Day 6 Beef and vegetables. You can even have 2-3 steaks on today, but with green leaves and no baked potato. Be sure to eat the soup at least once today. 
Day 7 Brown rice, fruit juices and vegetables without fruit sugar. Eat until you are full and do not forget to eat soup. You can add your cooked rice if you want on the seventh day of the sacred system of vegetables heart health. 

 Soup recipe from Food Only Sacred Heart 
The ingredients are:
•  cans tomatoes stewed 
• 3 large green onions 
• 1 large can of beef broth, make sure there is no fat 
• 1 package Lipton soup mix (chicken noodle) 
• 2 cans of green beans 
• 2 lbs. carrots 
• 2 green peppers 
• 1 bunch of celery 
Season with salt, pepper, curry powder, broth, parsley, Worcestershire sauce or. Cut the vegetables into small pieces of medium size. Add water. Boil for 10 minutes rapidly. Simmer and cook until vegetables are tender. 
The soup can be eaten at any time the famine throughout the week. Eat all you want when you want. It is very low in calories will not add to your current calorie level.


 are allowed to consume preferably fresh juice without sugar, tea, herbal tea, coffee with less sugar, cranberry juice, and most importantly, water.

work out plans for men - the easy way

Many of these work programs are painful. However, men are generally able to follow the plans of men with ease because of their hormonal differences women. The fact that men have more power than women, it is easy for them to follow and lose weight easily.
Many men can take almost a month to three months in a restoration plan following strict form and see a big difference in their lives. Plan provides thus monitor for best results. Most plans work on men must be accompanied by a diet that is high in protein, there are many easy healthy meals to achieve this goal. This allows bulk men and build a number of muscles in your body.

 There are several work plans for mere men to do as little as five minutes a day. Let's look at them to see if they are good for you and your lifestyle.

1- Sprint run on a treadmill.
By investing a little money in a band with a flexible architecture that can be a good exercise running run FIVE e minutes a day in the comfort of your room. Sprint running is one of the best business plans for men, because your metabolism wakes up almost instantly, and forcing blood to be pumped throughout the body in a fast speed. This will promote better circulation and burn fat instantly. In summary, this is a workout plans for men that can solve both your weight loss and increased current attempt.
2- Choose a restaurant for lunch on foot.
Breakfast is important, but you need to burn the calories that you take as soon as possible so that your body will not be able to turn into fat. One of the best workout plans for men will help you lose those calories almost immediately by choosing a restaurant just five minutes walk from your office.
3- Make use of your briefcase or whatever you take to work.
Many men who work to make your case or at least a job. As you walk to enter the workplace, lift with elbows raised parallel to your ears. To do this for five minutes a day can help to gradually build up the muscles in your arms. It may seem funny at first, but believe it or not some of your co-workers, most likely will join you. This is one of the "viral" to develop plans for men that is interesting and easy to do.