can you lose weight while pregnant

Many overweight or obese can lose weight during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, when morning sickness is common. However, diet during pregnancy is not recommended. Instead, choose healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and dairy products low in fat. Sometimes just removing junk food, which tend to be high in calories and fat, can help you lose weight. By replacing those calories with good food, you are doing to your son, and yourself, a favor.  

I think it is possible to lose body fat. but I'm not an expert. but I guess if the number is reduced carbohydrates and fats and proteins attach your baby would be fine and you weigh less after delivery than before pregnancy. simply the body streamline around your low carb diet and rationalize excess fat. no fat particular gain during pregnancy biological imperative.  

 Here are the steps for lose weight while pregnant

1-Good Foods for Mom and Baby  
A pregnant woman needs more of many important vitamins, minerals and nutrients it before pregnancy. Choose healthy foods each day will help you give your baby what he or she needs to develop. The Ampersand for pregnant and lactating women can show what to eat and how much you should eat of each food group according to their pre-pregnancy BMI and activity level. Use your personal Ampersand plan to guide your daily food choices. 

2-Understanding your calorie needs. Women who started with a normal weight before pregnancy need an average of 300 extra calories per day during the second and third quarter.  
• women of normal weight should consume between 1900 and 2500 calories per day.  
• Eat more calories than recommended can cause unhealthy weight gain.  
• If you were underweight, overweight or obese before pregnancy, discuss your calorie needs with your doctor. These needs vary from person to person. Even if there are exceptional circumstances surrounding the pregnancy weight loss a good option, you may still need to maintain or increase your caloric intake.  

3-You should also talk to your doctor about your caloric needs if you are pregnant with multiples. You may need more calories if you wear more than one baby.  

You can (and should) take steps to ensure that you and your baby get the nutrients you need. Prenatal vitamins are the way to go, but you can try one with a low dose of iron (mineral can increase nausea). And try to eat whenever you can stand. An empty stomach can actually cause nausea, such as blood sugar, so eat before you are hungry and always keep snacks. Additional sleeping and stress reduction will also do wonders for your appetite.  

4 Avoid empty calories and empty calories Avoid unhealthy is essential in maintaining a pregnancy weight that is healthy for you.  
Avoid foods with added sugars and solid fats. The usual culprits include soda, desserts, fried foods, rich dairy products like cheese or whole milk, and fatty cuts of meat.  
Opt for low-fat, fat-free and sugar-free options when available without added sugar.  
Also avoid caffeine, alcohol, raw seafood, and possible sources of bacteria.  

5-eating small meals. Eating several small meals throughout the day instead of three large is a tactic used by many dieters to maintain control of the game, but also benefits you as a pregnant woman.  
. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day can make it easier and more comfortable to digest their food. This is especially true as the baby grows and begins to move his digestive organs.  

6 Eat healthy snacks. Snacks can be perfectly healthy during pregnancy, even if your doctor recommends a small amount of weight gain or weight loss. Choose healthy snacks rich in nutrition and diet heavy in sugar or high-fat dairy industry desserts.  
Consider a banana smoothie or fat free frozen sorbet everything instead of ice cream and milkshakes.  
Munch trail mix, nuts and fruit between meals.  
Instead of white fat cheese and crackers, food crackers covered with a small amount of low-fat cheese.  
Boiled eggs, wheat bread and yogurt snacks are other options to consider.  
Instead of sugary drinks, opt for juice low sodium vegetable, sparkling water with a little fruit juice or skim milk or soy milk flavored on the ice.  

7 - Exercise is an important part of weight loss diets and pregnancy also plays an important role in achieving a healthy weight during pregnancy. The healthy pregnant women should be at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of aerobic activity every week. 
Exercise also relieves pregnancy pain, improves sleep regulates the emotional health and reduces the risk of complications. You can make weight loss after pregnancy easy, too.  
Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise regimen. Stop immediately if vaginal bleeding occurs or if the water falls prematurely.  
Good exercise options to choose from include low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, dancing and cycling.  
Avoid activities that you can be reached in the abdomen, like kickboxing or basketball. You should also avoid activities in which it can fall, like horseback riding. Avoid diving, because it can cause gas bubbles accumulate in the blood of her baby. 

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